
几十年来, EC teachers have worked tirelessly to educate and nurture thousands of students, 让他们成为有信仰的人, 为荣耀神的异象和影响力.

This Teacher Appreciation Week, we say a special thank you to all of them.

在最近的一封信中, the foundation asked some of our alumni and parents to share their words of encouragement or their fondest memories from their time at EC so that we could honor and remember our faculty, 过去和现在.


During my sophomore year of high school, I came down with pneumonia and missed a lot of school. I was already not a very strong math student, and this put me even further behind in 夫人. 安德鲁斯那出了名的严格的几何课. 知道我的挣扎, she helped me every single lunch period until I was all caught up with the work and the concepts I had missed. The day after the final she came excitedly hustling down the hall to tell me that I had gotten a B on it and that she was so proud. 有一位老师如此关心我是一种难以置信的感觉. 谢谢你,太太. 安德鲁斯!  –艾丽莎·范登伯格·约翰斯顿,2007届毕业生

我们看到了一个很长的, hard summer ahead as Isaac had just broken his leg before school got out in early June 2022. 入夏几周后, 他的体育老师, 亚当选, 让艾萨克和他的家人一起去看电影. 艾萨克有肌肉萎缩症, 所以在疾病和断腿之间, 这一善举可不是一件小事. Mr. 和夫人. 卡尔普确实让这段艰难的时光变得轻松了一点. –Krista Hennessy,现任家长(九年级)

外教是学校最宝贵的财富. The number of teachers that have made lasting marks of meaningful difference on my children’s lives are almost too many to count. Each teacher my kids have had has been a valuable part of their learning, 增长, 教养, 精神的形成. I’d love to specifically name their home room teachers as THE BEST OF THE BEST & 顶级的, but cannot leave out the special education teachers for their 努力s to push beyond expectations and to stretch the potential of all their learning levels. 每个学校都有他们,他们都很特别, an especially fantastic accomplishment for a private Christian school. I’m also incredibly thankful for the administration at each campus as well. 每个校园都有令人难以置信的领导, and I cannot stress enough what heartwarming mission work is happening each year from all the time, 努力, 还有他们投入的爱. 耶稣在作工. I daily and yearly see the hard 努力 and fruitfulness overflowing from each campus. 当我看到EC,我就看到了耶稣. 我在这所学校里感受到并看到了他的工作. –Jana Sly,现任家长(2年级、7年级和12年级)

My time at Eastern Academy (1944-1948) shaped the trajectory of my life. I’d like to pay tribute to the following teachers whose impact was especially memorable: Sidney Bangma (Chemistry), 科尼利厄斯·邦特科(历史和篮球教练), 和H. 埃文·朗纳(英语和拉丁语)-维伯特·"比尔"·凡·戴克,1948届毕业生

Paul Beverly molded my life and many others–a man who looked at our country’s laws and the history that shaped it all, 以我们基督徒的角度来看, (教我们)真正的同理心.——路易斯·G.2017届毕业生

夫人. 格特鲁德·惠曾加,三四年级老师. 对于像我这样害羞的孩子,她在各个方面都做得很好. 她很特别. 我真的很爱她,永远不会忘记她. –1955届的校友们

夫人. Cruz loves her students and cares for their whole selves—the spiritual, 的情感, 物理, 当然还有他们的学业成就. 在早期, 还有她的得力助手, they were so attentive to help our son adjust to a new way of learning and interacting with the world when he began his journey with hearing aids. We are forever grateful for her concern for our little one and encouragement to provide what was best for him in his formative years. The decision to move our son to a temporary setting that could help him accelerate was very weighty, and we are thankful for the time spent together praying and seeking God’s will for our son’s early education. 我们都很想念她,但我们知道,她的家人.Cruz and the EC staff are alongside us for the journey as we look to build and strengthen our son in the faith. 我们心中充满了对她的感激之情.克鲁兹和所有教委老师! –Ana Gosliga,现任家长(PK、1、3年级)

有夫人. Truran作为我们儿子的幼儿园老师是一种福气. Her radiance, warmth, and compassion comes through and has left a lasting impression on our child. –孔女士,现任家长(九年级)

夫人. Lindemulder was one of my favorite teachers at EC, and I have the fondest memories of her. 我在上西班牙语课,得了轻微感冒. 当夫人. Lindemulder saw me sniffling at my desk, she went over to her desk and made a cup of tea. I didn’t even notice what she was doing because she kept teaching the whole time. Then she walked over to my desk and put the cup of tea right on my desk! 她是最贴心,最体贴的老师. –各位校友,2018届毕业生

我们都感激我们的许多老师, all of whom taught us not only subject matter but also how to understand that subject in light of God’s word. But we would like to mention a few by name who particularly blessed each of us with their commitment to Christ, not only through their teaching but also through their words and deeds. They not only told us about Christ, they showed him to us by their caring and actions. 这些伟大的老师包括西德尼·邦马, 詹姆斯·沃登, 肯·拉·弗勒, 史蒂夫·迈尔, 米洛Okma, 罗杰Veenstra和Ms. 奇尔顿. 既然他们都给了我们分数,我们想我们也应该这样做. 他们在我们的书里都得了A, 但我们给戈登·舒尔茨打A+, 不仅仅是因为他的指导和教学, but for the dime he gave to Dave so he could call Bev and ask her out. 那一毛钱在近60年后仍在支付. 我们得到了祝福.  –大卫和贝弗利·凡德古特夫妇,1965届和1966届

新葡京app凯茜·克拉克,我们不止有一段令人鼓舞的记忆, 我们和她有10年的美好回忆! Since second grade she has fostered a love of music in Rebecca and a desire to excel at violin. Ms. 克拉克可能被认为是最严厉的音乐老师之一, 但学生们知道她是这样的,因为她真的很在乎, 她公开表达了对他们成就的骄傲. 如果我们能带上. 克拉克继续高中后的教育,我们真的会! 她是新葡京app的福气和巨大财富! –罗斯一家,现任父母(11年级)

The list [of great teachers] goes on and on, from Miss Van Mel in 幼儿园 to the kindness of Mr. 佩廷加在高中,汤姆·弗·斯特拉德在乐队. Bangma, Eiten小姐, 戈登•舒尔茨, “Herr主持人”, 罗杰Veenstra, 亨利·舒尔曼, 弗雷德Ritsema, Mike Alsum… What a blessing and heritage the EC Christian community has been and meant to all the minds and lives shaped by Christian education over the centuries. 上帝是伟大的! –1969届的校友们

Harvey Brasser was principal of Eastern Academy and taught Business Arithmetic, 记账, 等等,这些对我的商学课程帮助很大. 他是我最喜欢的老师. He and the other teachers were fitting us for tasks that lay ahead so we would perform them well as Christians. 我很自豪曾经是东方学院的一名学生. –穆里尔R. Van Lenten Prins, 1945届毕业生

Milo Okkema是我最好的老师. He challenged us in social studies, asked us to think deeply about issues and perspectives. 他彻底改变了我至今对政治的看法. However, I’d also like to mention Nelvin Jaager, my 英语 teacher. 这是他第一年教书——很年轻, 精力充沛的, and gave me the best parts of Lady Macbeth’s speeches when reading aloud Macbeth! –伯尼斯·安妮·豪斯沃德,1964届毕业生




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